Kipukamaluhia Sanctuary
KIPUKA: Variation or change of form, as an opening in a forest; an oasis or island, often vegetated, of older land surrounded by a more recent lava flow.
MALUHIA: Peace, quiet, security, restful, serenity, awe and stillness that reigned during some of the ancient ceremonies; peaceful. To cause or give peace; protect. A place of worship.
LA‘AKEA: Sacred light.
Located in the historic and remote district of Kaʻū, Kipukamaluhia Sanctuary is a multicultural, inter-generational living laboratory of co-creation; an earth-based, dharma sanctuary to which people come for individual and group retreats throughout the year.
"Dharma" in its broadest sense means Nature and thus signifies 'the way things are.' At Kipukamaluhia, we refer to "the living dharma" which is not limited to any specific practice, religion, scripture or spiritual trapping of any kind. The traditional Hawaiian way of life has a great emphasis on direct experience which is in alignment with our deepest values and aspirations as it points to the essence of reality.
Our intention is to steward the land by honoring its natural beauty and to provide a sanctuary to those seeking sacred simplicity and a more authentic connection with themselves and the earth, for the benefit of all beings. Here where the grasslands and an indigenous forest meet, nestles an abundance of biodiversity.
“What is The Living Dharma? The 'Dharma' generally refers to the teachings of Buddhism, the essence of which is the impermanent and interdependent nature of all life. But "Dharma" also refers to the everyday experiences of our lives that make these teachings come alive. That's why we say the Dharma is "living." Ultimately, The Living Dharma is about the compassion that naturally arises in us when we reflect deeply on what it means to be a human being.”

The symptom of Aloha is inner peace. The winds sing of it, the rain falls through it, the palms move to it, the earth churns with it, the ocean rolls in it. It is Spirit moving form. It is the soul of all creation. It is Aloha... Aloha is found in silence, lived in peace and passed on in love.
from a sign in the local Na`alehu laundromat
In 2002, Rashani was offered stewardship of sixteen acres of exquisite land, 3 miles down the road from Earthsong, her previous home. Auntie Mahealani Kuamo'o-Henry gave the land its name: Kipukamaluhia La‘akea. (It is referred to as Kipukamaluhia for short.) The land is bordered by open pasture, a lava flow and thousands of acres of undeveloped forest. To the south one can see the ocean and to the north: Mauna Loa volcano.
Kipukamaluhia is blessed with medicinal plants, orchids, Vanilla vines, many flowers & herbs, several different varieties of Ti, and many native Hawaiian plants and trees, including Taro, Kou, Lauhala, Kamani, Maile, Mamaki, Milo, Kukui, `Olena, Pohinahina and Koki'o ke'oke'o (Hawaiian White Hibiscus). There are also ancient Monkey Pod trees; several Bodhi and Rudraksha trees, Curry Pepper, Neem, Ylang Ylang, Plumeria, Be Still, several varieties of Bamboo, as well as Noni, Guava, Papaya, Wild Plum, Tropical Apricot, Ice Cream Bean, Dragon Fruit, Tamarind, Brazilian Plum, Bread Fruit, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Surinam Cherry, Acerola Cherry, Cinnamon, White Mountain Apple, Star Apple, Vi Apple (also known as Ambarella), Allspice, Star Anis, Banana, Liliko'i, Lychee, White and Chocolate Sapote, Cacao, Mango, Mangosteen, Malabar Chestnut, Mulberry, Olive, Moringa, Loquat, Starfruit, Pigeon Pea, Pomegranate, Avocado, Atamoya, Jackfruit, Cherimoya, Fig, Soursop, Rambutan, Macadamia Nut, Curry leaf, one Blueberry plant and nearly a hundred Coconut trees. Rashani and many WWOOFers, Sevadars, retreatants, family members and friends have planted more than 5,000 trees and plants since June, 2003.
When a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to lift the system to a higher order.
Illya Prigogine