Entering Together and Alone
the Mystery of the Unknown

A twelve-week online journey of Wu-wei:
Exploring Inquiry, alchemy and Intimacy

with Rashani Réa

we meet once a week and entrust ourselves to/with the effortless unfolding of whatever arises— being with each other and with ourselves just as we are.

There is no agenda — simply showing up and being an intrinsic part of the feast of every ungraspable, unrepeatable moment—realizing that whatever arises is the invitation into our natural state of openness and awakeness.

In this simple way of sharing, there are no obstacles or obstructions, no efforting or struggling to be anything other than just as we are.

For questions and registration, contact Keri:

call or text: 917-592-1883

email: ksender@gmail.com

In 2023, Rashani was asked to facilitate two 3-month online mentorship programs. The second group called the group The Gaia-ship and Mothership.

We met twice a week during three full lunar cycles and both groups were Amazing.

In 2024, two more online groups have been created and we now meet once a week. In between each meeting, people share dyads together and Rashani offers writing prompts and sends out inspiring poems, videos, articles, collages and insights relating to what has emerged in the group sharing.

testimonials from some of the attendees:

I did not know what to expect when I joined Rashani’s group following the death of my beautiful daughter, Rae. I’m not sure what I was looking for or needing but what I have found is a space I can only describe as serene in amongst my grief journey. 

A calming energy that anchors me and a feeling of being held by the group that I wasn’t expecting but now cherish and am grateful for. 

I often share what Rashani shares in our group and discuss it with some of our bereaved parent friends. It touches them deeply—as it does my wife and me. The blanket we are creating is beginning to have Rashani’s wisdom stitched into it and for that it will be richer and stronger as we continue.

–Tom Spence, bereaved parent

“Being mentored by Rashani is like being mentored by Mahakali with her ten arms holding ritualistic tools to cut through suffering and illusion. It takes courage that comes from your deep wisdom well and yet, this time and space has been the most illuminating and joyful experience.

I have cried tears that have been stored in me, waiting to be invited out. I have laughed more at myself with compassion than ever and with her guidance I have located and disrupted patterns that were preventing me from living a beautiful life. This mentorship ripples out and touches not only you, but your relatives, your children, your lover, and your whole life. Being mentored by Rashani has helped me access my strength, my voice, and my metaskills that are here to be in service.

What has touched me the most is her ability to see the disavowed parts of each mentee. The pieces of us that have been blamed, shamed, or abused and she invites these parts back into our life with fiercely loving arms. There is no bypassing bullshit here. This is a true education on life and that means witnessing the totality of all experiences and expressions of oneself. Radical responsibility is a prerequisite.

I recommend this mentorship to those who are willing to risk it all. To those who have humility and can sit with their own reflection honestly or at least be open to beginning. I recommend this mentorship to those longing to find their way back home within themselves.

Thank you Rashani for your decades of seva. Thank you for finding and investing in yourself with all your profound teachers over the years. Through that and your own flare, this has assimilated into a sacred bundle that this mentorship is offering us, should our hands be open enough to receive.

In this three-month container I have uncovered how steady I am within the feminine volatility and fluidity. I move like a flower in the breeze yet my whole life I was trying to be a stone! I have uncovered how absolutely radiant and beautiful my essence is. I have uncovered all the things I thought to change are actually my super powers, my meta skills. I have uncovered that I truly cannot be harmed, and if safety exists, it is in this place. A place where no word or action or judgment could harm the essence. I had been identifying so much with the false self that I had never been able to feel safe within my own home, my own bodily temple. I have uncovered that I really am a wonderful mother to myself and I treasure this relationship between me and Me. I feel like I have been initiated into womanhood more than ever before. Just by simply allowing. I have become aware of the Wu Wei moving me and I honor that time and space as if it were the most important instructions, to move with spirit, because they are. I have uncovered stories that were longing to be addressed. The stories were accumulating like the compost bin on a kitchen counter, overflowing, and saying, "hey! Pay attention to me. I want to be put back in the earth so I may grow more life, in whatever form Mother Earth wishes." I can see now. I was trying to throw my processed stories like processed food into a landfill, to disavow, to combust and create even more toxicity when the more natural flow is to bring them, tenderly in your hands to the earth to rebalance the micro biome of your beingness—and by doing so, you become more alive than ever. You radiate love as you are meant to. This is what the three-month container has revealed to me. And forever I will cherish and grow my bounty of beauty from the replenished soils of my soul.

Thank you Rashani. For giving the gift of me back into my own hands."

–Marisa Franco, writer, herbalist and chef

“Being mentored by Rashani is shifting me, unconsciously and consciously. Creating awareness to my patterns that no longer serve me. Allowing me to observe myself, and others, rather than judge. I’m discovering and processing ways of being that help me accept myself unconditionally, and thusly accept others.

Being mentored by Rashani is guiding me to new hope. Is helping me see my strengths. Is creating balance in my life. Is opening my mind. Is like getting in a canoe without a paddle, and just letting the river take me without fear, and with complete confidence. Is building my confidence in myself and my decisions. Is remembering who I am and accepting all parts of myself. Is stepping out of internalized fascism, spiritual bypassing, and hierarchal thinking, and stepping into a world of acceptance and nonduality. Is giving me the medicine to heal my disavowed parts and help others heal their disavowed parts.”

–Courtney Meiers, licensed psychologist

“Being in Rashani's three-month group is to dive deep into an ocean, not knowing if you have the skills, equipment or supplies to effectively navigate the journey and yet feeling a comfort in the not knowing.

It is an exploration into caverns, and underwater vistas. It is a dance with the dark depths and the rays of light that penetrate the surface. It is an invitation to nourish curiosity, to clear away sediment and see what lies beneath with new levels of clarity. It is an opening to new expressions of creation, of awareness, of understanding.

It is a playground where the courage to ride waves and try out the high diving takes flight. It is a reminder of the many ways the ocean supports, cares for, those who enter its vastness. It is a letting go to allow the currents to carry you where they will, trusting that you will be safely returned to shore, refined by the waves and polished by the sand.”

–Kathy Douglas, RN, MPH-HA, entrepreneur, healthcare executive, author and filmmaker

Being part of Rashani’s 3 month Gaia-ship has been liberation. It is a prerequisite for the class of life where I remember that I (as far as I know) have this one wild and precious life, so what the hell do I want to do with it?

Being part of this group is to surrender to no rock unturned, no question off the table. It is to commit to doing a deep dive even if – hell, especially if – it is uncomfortable. Being part of this group is an ever-changing optical prescription that allows me to see the same tired problems with new eyes. It is an invitation to get off the hamster wheel of turning problems round and round over in my mind. It is also trusting and experiencing the field. Tuning in with a wholly different set of years that are nearly deafened by the intolerable sounds of a withhold. Being part of this group is to sit in the fire willingly and to emerge transformed, if not with a few ashes in my hair, and to realize that life is far too short to do anything else. It is to be willing to risk it all, to question everything in order to have that which is most sacred. It is to learn what it is to be in integrity and to feel when we are out. To be able to identify our own stories that are just as compelling and dramatic as any afternoon soap opera.

Being a part of this group is to realize there is no work to do, only a dance that we are most aligned with when we allow it to dance us. To realize that there needs to be no doing or undoing, just being with what is, without judgement.

To be a part of Rashani’s group is to discover the skills of compassionate directness. It is to become that person in other people’s lives (and in my own) that doesn’t allow for scape-goat-ism. It is to own the ways that we are our own damn problems, but surprise (!) that means we also get to be our own solutions. Being part of this group is to not do the dance with others that equates to rearranging the furniture in the prison cells, but rather to equip them with an awl, a map of the weak spots of mortar between bricks, and a poster of Raquel Welch.* It is to realize there are elders and mentors that can show us – through words and actions – that a different way of walking through the world is possible. It’s to realize that we were holding the keys to our own shackles all along, and that we have everything we need to step out into the warm embrace of the sun. A reference to the movie Shawshank Redemption.”

–Bex Reno, PhD, MSW/racial justice researcher and senior evaluation consultant

“In Rashani's 3-month group, there is a feeling of being in a land of pure fundamental growth, where unlearning is the starting point for growth. Let go of the habitual patterns that bind us to the old ways, led by the stories we tell. My brain is full of love, and the space to forgive; my heart is filled with gratitude as I connect with my powerful being and awaken dormant dreams to their full potential.

To see what is right in front of me and let go of the egoic self. To be the steward of my own soul and look at my greater hunger and the SHE-HERO that lives in my being. Find what breaks my heart so completely open and lets the ties that bind me gently release.

Rashani reminds us to listen to what love says and be present to the awe that surrounds us. Connect with the inner goddess and support her with the no-bullshit policy - because I am enough. Letting my thoughts and decisions go through my heart and not my mind. Do only what I love to do. Walk barefoot through the pillaged gardens and make my temple the clouds and the sky and make the gospel sing to the awe that is created by nature and not the mind. Let the earth hold my dreams as I listen to my ancestors’ wise words of healing and enlightenment.

Rashani says to awaken the true self and stay on the pathless track and enjoy the strangeness, the natural state of perfection, and how to look at our habitual patterns, and then let go! And one of my favorite sayings is “all it takes is one thought and it takes us into hell.”

Thank you for all of your courage, love, strength, patience, and for helping me unlearn what I already know. All my love and appreciation for the light and permission to live fully in the moment, for that is all we have.”

–Ruth Roberts Smith, MSN, RN, HWNC

“I feel so grateful to have had this intimate time with someone who I consider to be one of my most influential mentors in a small group container with other women who value walking a pathless journey of Truth and Love.

Rashani is so authentic and walks the talk, and it inspires me to do the same. I found I was able to explore deep healing within me— especially regarding my ancestral lineage and generational trauma, as well as the grief of having bought in to a modern industrial story of fear and scarcity.

Rashani has so many tools she draws from that she combines with her laser vision of what my process is. This allows my acutely cognitive and sneaky brain to surrender to someone whom I trust and genuinely love as a mentor. She looks upon us with eyes of compassion and wisdom, somehow able to command a potent energy along with deep humility. I am forever grateful.”

–Dr. Ana Verzone, DNP, PMHNP, FNP, CNM nature-based soul guide and therapist

“Being a part of Rashani’s mothership is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. Trust yourself, all who enter here. You just know you must do this, you must find out what you’re looking for.

I wanted to know how Rashani creates beauty from ashes. How does this amazingly talented, artistic, well-connected poet & writer make honey out of this human bee hive? If you want to know how to find beauty in a broken world you will know and feel this wisdom wherever Rashani graces with her presence.

Feel the expanse as you dance in Indra’s net and you will experience the jewel that you and others are. I didn’t know I would find what I’d been looking for—That which was here all along. Now I see and feel Her everywhere. Wisdom and embodiment of the Deep Feminine! An indescribable transmission passed down for centuries, through and from woman to woman. You can’t know the mothers/Makuahine Darshan until you do.

The Deep Feminine flows through the unified field within every group meeting with Rashani. A sacred circle where I felt a primal love as vast as time. May you find this cave and enter.”

–Susan Ardigo, retired nurse 

Being in Rashani’s three-month group is like being zapped by something magical and mystical. A lightning rod of transformation and awakening.

Rashani’s group is a way to experience real/true happiness, peace and awareness, to receive a transmission — one that is real and raw and honest — one that cuts through layers of conditioning, blasts through concepts and brings you into the space between thoughts. Being in Rashani’s group is one if the best things I ever did — to give up my ego and allow her to officially mentor me has changed everything. Like meeting her, this group has either changed the course of my life or got it all on track. (All just concepts — but who cares — it’s a pathless path!)

Being in Rashani’s group has helped me to fall in love with myself that much more. It has helped me fall into Love. It made me realize the difference between the new age, the spiritual garbage that’s out there, and the real thing. It’s allowed me to see and deeply understand the value of self-inquiry. It’s been a profound invitation to wholeheartedly step out of the matrix, to question everything, to step out of the mind and drop more into the heart.

Being in Rashani’s group allowed everything to become clearer — inside and out — and has allowed me to let go of my will and surrender to something greater. It’s helped me get out of my head and into reality. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all continues to integrate. Being in Rashani’s group is a deconstruction process, and I’m so grateful to the seven other women who co-journeyed with me these past three months. Being in Rashani’s group has been awakening.

–Keri Sender, LSW 

“Being part of Rashani's three month Wu-wei group is a deep dive into my soul and finding the source of my own Light. I have discovered my power to be authentic and vulnerable in a way that feels integrated and whole.

This group has been life changing. I feel I have opened up in ways I did not think were possible. I have emerged with a nascent sense of self love that is allowing me to face my trauma and grief in subtle and dramatic ways. I feel my resilience has deepened as well as my ability to stay in the present moment. My capacity for joy keeps expanding and I feel a new lightness of being. I am better able to see things as they are and live my life without stories clouding my view more of the time.

I am able to BE more of my natural, primordial self. As I expand my self-compassion, I am able to extend more compassion to others. Most importantly, this Sacred Sangha has allowed be to become more closely aligned with my heart and soul and purpose in the world.

Giving thanks to you, Rashani, for being sanctuary to the Unbroken!


A poem for Rashani:

Over the last three lunations

Your Wild Wisdom has filled 

The Wellsprings of our Souls 

Which have overflowed and merged 

With the Lifeblood of Mother Earth 

Whose waters feed the streams and rivers 

That wind their way into the ocean 

Where the waves evaporate up to the sky 

And become clouds 

That rain down droplets of 

Love and Joy and Wonder 

Which then fill

The Wellsprings

Of Your Soul 

–Rita Magnan, death doula