kipukamaluhia has been Rashani’s home since 2002.

Located in the historic and remote district of Kaʻū, Kipukamaluhia Sanctuary is a multicultural, inter-generational living laboratory of co-creation; an earth-based, dharma sanctuary to which people come for individual and group retreats throughout the year.

Our intention is to steward the land by honoring its natural beauty and to provide a sanctuary to those seeking sacred simplicity and a more authentic connection with themselves and the earth — for the benefit of all beings. Here where the grasslands and an indigenous forest meet, nestles an abundance of biodiversity.


“Being at Kipukamaluhia both times was lovely! When I first visited, I thought what a blessing it was that I was led there. The land consis-tently taught me so much in its beauty and abundance of life all around. I believe it was due also to meeting regularly for group councils and much self-examination that was encouraged in the space. Being there helped me slow down enough to see all the gifts that life presents.

My experience at Kipukamaluhia was expansive—by that I mean I felt more flexible in my mind and spirit. I questioned my own deep conditioning and tendencies to label things in a binary way—good and bad, enlightened and unenlightened. I saw it as a retreat for myself because I had much less screen time, and I also cooked healthy meals more than eating out. I experienced connection with others in a way that I don't usually elsewhere.”

Christina Phương Trinh Nguyễn, Sydney, Australia

“The lessons I've learned at Kipukamaluhia have held with me for years! Many of the stories and traps in my mind rose as valuable challenges on the land, and under the guidance of Rashani they were transformed into deeper clarity. Kipukamaluhia was a wonderful vessel to change within, and my wife and I still talk often of our memories there, many times using it as a reference point for how we'd like to imagine our lives now and in the future. The natural splendor of the land is singular! And the care shown to every detail is a standard I'd like to carry when I'm a land steward. I've visited Kipukamaluhia twice, and my visit back showed how timeless and magical it is, and also how beautiful the changes are. I hope to revisit it again.”

Andrew Terrell, Bellingham, Washington


Rashani is a gifted and intuitive facilitator who uses herself as a medium for alchemical transformation. Her calm and reassuring presence creates a safe space for those looking to go deep within, providing compas- sionate wisdom, and ultimately lending a warm embrace to the wounded inner self. Sitting in council with Rashani is a beautiful and inspiring experience. 


Fusi, Yaoundé, Cameroon

“Thank you Rashani for your decades of seva. Thank you for finding and investing in yourself with all your profound teachers over the years.

I have uncovered stories that were longing to be addressed. The stories were accumulating like the compost bin on a kitchen counter, overflowing, and saying, "hey! Pay attention to me. I want to be put back in the earth so I may grow more life, in whatever form Mother Earth wishes." I can see now. I was trying to throw my processed stories like processed food into a landfill, to disavow, to combust and create even more toxicity when the more natural flow is to bring them, tenderly in your hands to the earth to rebalance the micro biome of your beingness—and by doing so, you become more alive than ever. You radiate love as you are meant to.

Thank you Rashani. For giving the gift of me back into my own hands."

–Marisa Franco, Austin, Texas

All of us are inextricably bound together in this field of Love, Beauty, and Intelligence.

The sense of separation is an optical delusion from which we are waking up!

–Michael B. Beckwith

Being at Kipukamaluhia is a soaking up of dharma, the kind that emanates from every leaf, flower, and carefully placed rock. The fragrance of blossoms is sent in all directions by the winds of South Point; allowing the old to compost, stories & burdens fall away into fertile earth and new energies are born as fruit trees, as wind-song, as eyes, awake and alert, see new beauty in the new day.

Aim Nemec, Puna, Hawai`i

Discover Rashani’s latest books


Collage Art by Rashani V. Réa
Poetry by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer & James Crews

“Love and heartbreak weave through the fabric of every human life and unite us through the universality of the human condition. We are creatures of attachment, who dwell in the wild groundlessness of impermanence. Grief is inevitable, yet so often swept and hidden in the shadows. Rashani’s art builds a sacred temple around this dark well and says, “Look here! Know that this place is holy”. Each of these poems, collages, and gardens are contemplations on the heartbreak and joy of the human experience and serve as koans into the reality of Grief and Grace as portals into the shared collective heart.”

Maya Luna,

poet, artist, and author of the spoken word poetry album Holy Grail: Her Resurrection, creatrix of the Deep Feminine Mystery School, an emergent body of work centered on the Immanent Divine

Go Slowly,
Breathe and Smile

Dharma Art by Rashani Réa
with the Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh

“This beautiful book is a feast for the senses and pure nourishment for the soul.”

Tara Brach
author of Radical Acceptance and Trusting the Gold

“Rashani’s extraordinary collages perfectly mirror Thich Nhat Hanh’s simple yet powerful teachings. An exquisite collection.”

James Baraz
author of Awakening Joy

“Rashani has created in her exquisite collages a way for each of us to share in the spreading of these seeds of awakening with friends and relations all over the globe.”

Sahra Aschenbach
Pathwork teacher

Go Slowly, Breathe and Smile is a unique convergence of wisdom and art, a loving tribute from a dedicated student to her beloved teacher. Absorb Thich Nhat Hanh's words of wisdom and meditate on Rashani’s inspirational collages. Allow these pages to touch and illuminate your heart and mind.

Beneath All Appearances

An Unwavering Peace

In this beautiful and moving book, four mothers who’ve lost their children join hands in an artistic collaboration that invites all who grieve into their healing circle. Their invitation came my way in a time of personal grief, and the words and images they offer here helped me take first steps toward “the peace that passes all understanding.” At a moment when heartbreak might have taken me down, the spirit that infuses this book helped me find a way forward: my heart is breaking open toward larger life, not in spite of my grief but because of it. 

Parker J. Palmer
author of On the Brink of Everything, Let Your Life Speak, and A Hidden Wholeness

In this luminous collection of words and images, beauty collides with beauty and everything changes. Our shattered heart is remade. Our longing for the sacred simultaneously burns brighter and settles into our cells, integrating the whole of our being. For me as a bereaved mother and a lover of the holy, this book is a wellspring of healing water, a tender thread linking me to the soul of my child, a full-body blessing.

Mirabai Starr
author of Caravan of No Despair and Wild Mercy

more Books by rashani

AS a prolific writer & artist, Rashani frequently releases brand new collections of poetry, collage artwork and timelessness to share with the world… Here’s what people have to say:

“Rashani Réa beautifully transposes a profound teaching into visual elements of essential potency – transporting us here and everywhere at once. What a beautiful offering, ending with a glimpse into the story of her life’s journey.” – KIM LINCOLN

“Rashani’s collages are as artful as Life’s own. Together, like dew on a leaf, they reflect all that is, calling us into the deep pleasure of Being.” – PAMELA WILSON

“We are all alchemists
transmuting pain into aliveness, unwanted experiences into awakening.”

- Rashani Réa

Sharing the Pathless Journey
Caring for the Land • Deep Ecology
Contemplative Inquiry • Natural Meditation • Daily Sadhana
Grief into Gold • Exploring Effortless Being
Artist & Writers in Residence Retreats
on the Big Island of Hawai‘i


Dharma Gaia Greeting Cards

Rashani’s greeting cards have sold for the past 24 years, offering inspirational wisdom from many contemporary and ancient wisdom keepers, mystics, poets & writers, dharma teachers ~ from various traditions ~ elders and visionary guides.

“We are not broken, although we have broken open again and again.”

- Rashani

“There is only Love.
All else, repeating stories exhausting themselves.”

- Rashani

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